a) Prayers for Healing
These are offered by the clergy every Sunday during Holy Eucharist at the 10 a.m. service, at the altar rail of the Lady Chapel (south side of the church).
b) Reconciliation of a Penitent
The rite of Reconciliation is available to all who desire it. Confessions may be made privately with one of the clergy. Please speak to the clergy to schedule this sacrament.
c) Blessing of a Home
Occupying a new home can be a joyous occasion. The clergy are available to sanctify your new home by offering a blessing. Please contact the clergy to arrange.
d) Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
The clergy are delighted to come to the hospital or home following the birth of a child to offer a brief service of thanksgiving. It is appropriate to include siblings and family members in this joyous occasion.