The Conversion of Saint Paul

Please join us as we celebrate The Conversion of Saint Paul in a Service of Morning Prayer led by Deacon Pat Henderson, Vicar Michael DeKay, and Dean Paul Millward, with music by Catharine and Ian Sadler.

Thank you for worshipping with us and please feel free to share with your friends!


First Reading: Acts 26.9–23

Psalm 67

Second Reading: Galatians 1.11–24

Gospel: Matthew 10.16-22


Prelude: Master Tallis’s Testament – Herbert Howells

Opening Hymn: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (CP 320)

Post Sermon Solo: The Spirit of the Lord – Sir Edward Elgar

Closing Hymn: For All the Saints (CP 276)

Postlude: Fanfare – William Mathias