Please join us for Palm Sunday in a Service of Morning Prayer led by Deacon Pat Henderson, Vicar Michael DeKay, and Dean Paul Millward with music by Ian Sadler and the Cathedral Choir.
Thank you for worshipping with us and please feel free to share with your friends!
First Reading: ISAIAH 50:4–9a
Second Reading: PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11
Gospel: MARK 11:1–11
Music Prelude: Overture (from ‘Royal Fireworks Music’) – G.F. Handel
Processional Hymn: All Glory, Laud, and Honour (CP 181)
Psalm 31:9-16 (Karianne Pasma, soprano)
Anthem: Hosanna to the Son of David – David Halls
Closing Hymn: My Song Is Love Unknown (CP 184)
Postlude: Fantasia in c minor (BWV 562) – J.S. Bach